
Judy Greenberg


I became Chair of Governors in March 2020. My career has been in primary education, teaching at Rosh Pinah for 20 years, where I was Deputy Head as well as serving on the Governing Body. I also taught and was a governor at Mathilda Marks-Kennedy. I retired in July 2020 to help with childcare for my grandchildren, and to pursue my interests.

I remain passionate about children’s education and am keen to participate more actively in helping to guide the strategic direction of the school in order to achieve the best outcomes for pupils, staff and the wider community.

Rita Alak-Levi


I have held senior management posts for 30 years, after being given Excellent and Senior Teacher status in only my second year of teaching. I have been an Acting Headteacher on three separate occasions and the experiences were extremely rewarding. I was honoured to be one of the first Advanced Skills Teachers in the Borough of Barnet for nearly 10 years. My experience includes teaching every class in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 in 6 different but all amazing, schools.

I am delighted to be the Headteacher of Hertsmere Jewish Primary School.

Daniel Alter

Parent Governor

I have worked in the financial services sector for almost 15 years as a risk and compliance professional, with roles in banking, consulting and at the UK financial services regulator. I am a qualified mortgage adviser, holding a masters’ degree certificate in dispute resolution and complaint handling and also a qualified workplace first aider.

I currently hold the role of Chief Risk Officer at a global payments institution, with experience in building and managing teams, compliance and monitoring oversight, and risk management.

I have three young children and I am passionate about education, which was a key motivator in deciding to become a Parent Governor.

Daniel Braham

Foundation Governor

I used to specialise in hospitality law at large City law firms and am currently General Counsel of an international hotel company.  I have had a long interest in Education and since 2018, I have regularly sat on panels that hear school admissions appeals across the country.

I live in Edgware and have two children at primary school nearby.

Helena Cohen

Foundation Governor

My career has been in education. I taught in Redbridge, Harrow and Barnet before accepting a position at Rosh Pinah Primary School. I have been Head Teacher at the Independent Jewish Day and Beis Yaakov Primary Schools in Barnet. At a stage in my career when I wanted to work part time I was excited when I saw a role advertised to deliver a wellbeing programme to schools across London. I had to apply as I always made staff wellbeing a priority. On leaving headship I did some consultancy work and the support I provided enabled the schools I worked with to achieve positive outcomes.

Before I retired I was asked to take on the role of Interim CEO of a small Multi Academy Trust. I was privileged to work alongside and learn from professionals and Trustees from outstanding trusts. Now that I have retired, even though I know there is always more to learn, I am keen to share my knowledge and experience and to support and work with schools to ensure every child has the best educational experience.

Trevor Goodman

Foundation Governor

A qualified solicitor for over 25 years, I worked in-house as a lawyer for several fund management firms.  Currently I am a managing director in an operations role, with responsibility for legal, risk and compliance matters at an asset management consultancy that specialises in private equity.

I was previously a governor at Moriah Jewish Primary School leaving prior to its’ academisation. After a gap I joined HJPS, having offered my services given a wish to support children with their educational starts.

Brenda Greenberg

Foundation Govenor

I am a retired Primary School teacher who is passionate about education.  I have worked here in the UK, as well as many years in Israel. I was Deputy Head at Mathilda Marks Kennedy for ten years, KS2 Coordinator at Kerem School and an English Language teacher and advisor in Israel.

Since retiring, I have spent four years as a governor at a local Jewish school with responsibility for Maths and Ivrit. Having had a break, I am now excited to be a part of the HJPS Governing Committee.

Daniel Hirschfield

Foundation Governor

I studied Hebrew and Jewish Studies at Oxford University and maintain an interest in Jewish history and culture.  I enjoy singing with the London Cantorial Singers and regularly lead services at my shul. In addition to being a member of my shul’s Council, I sit on the education and heritage working groups of the Communities and Education Division of the Board of Deputies. I currently work as a financial services lawyer.

Daniella Ross

Staff Governor

I have been at HJPS since 2010, where I started as a Nursery teacher after completing a PGCE. I was a child carer before this time.  My own childhood and degree specialism led me into teaching.  I have remained teaching in Early Years, in both Nursery and Reception.

I am an early years specialist teacher, passionately committed to the education and care of our youngest children.  I am delighted to be a staff governor and hope to continue to contribute to our school to the best of my ability.

Tony Ruffman

Foundation Governor

My business background is in fashion, manufacturing, importing and exporting. I ran my own business for over 30 years. For the past 12 years I have been acting as a consultant for two independent fashion companies.  For many years I was part of a Synagogue committee helping Israeli charities.  I also took part in two bike rides in Israel raising money for Norwood.

I am very involved with Edgware United Synagogue and I run my own minyan on a Shabbat morning. My two grandsons attend Rosh Pinah School and I take great interest in their learning, both secular and Jewish Studies. I am very proud of the excellent Jewish education provision in all the Jewish schools.